Minister's Letter January 2025
Revd John Henry
Tickhill Methodist Church
New Ground.
At the time of writing this little piece we have had just one snow fall, perhaps there
will be more by the time you are reading it!
I must admit that the view from the Church Manse (the name given to Methodist Minister's homes)
was quite magical; particularly looking at the lamp lit, forested path at the back of our home.
It looked to me like something out of 'Narnia'.
Of course, the snow is lovely to look at. I have recently watched a television programme about the major snowfall over Christmas 1981 (I think that was the year); however,the point was made that it
was lovely to look at and was magical over the Christmas period, but that it soon become quite a nuisance and cause some major headaches.
There is one thing I really do love about snow is the way that it falls on a lawn it is new,untouched, pristine; pretty soon however animal tracks begin to appear-around us particularly those of Squirrels; then the tracks of local cats and, if there is any need for humans to walk up on that snow-footprints.
It reminds me somewhat of the New Year, all fresh and renewed, then the tracks begin to appear;
the tracks we make in 2025 begin. Where will those tracks go and lead? What patterns will we put upon the new year.
Snow has to disappear at some point; similarly, the New Year won't be the New Year by the time we get to February, certainly by March, but then we will have begun our footprints into the New Year,
our walk into some things that are unknown.
As a Christian Minister I believe that there is always a new day in God when we are offered a blank canvas. What new experience of Gods' love will we discover in 2025; what new directions will we have taken, new imprints made.
May I take this opportunity to wish you a happy New Year.
Every blessing,
Revd John.
Superintendent of Doncaster Methodist Circuit, Minister of Tickhill Methodist Church.
- Tickhill Methodist Church
- Northgate
- Tickhill
- South Yorkshire
- DN11 9HY