Tickhill Methodist Church

welcome group photoGroup photograph at welcome service for Rev John Henry as the new Superintendent Minster for Doncaster Methodist Church Circuit.

Lt Rev Tom Read ( previous Doncaster Superintendent) Rev Jill Newton (President of the Methodist Conference) Rev John Henry, Mrs Wendy Henry, Rev July Coates (Vice Chair of the Methodist Sheffield District)

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child 

This year Samaritan's Purse have committed to send 2/3rds of all boxes received to the Ukraine or the neighbouring countries of Moldova, Poland, and Romania countries that are hosting many Ukrainian refugee families. 

If you are able to support this worthy charity each contribution will be very much appreciated and give great pleasure to a child in need.

2,873 gift boxes were donated from the Doncaster area last year.

2022 78 shoe boxes were donated from Tickhill and surrounding villages and a total of 3,725 boxes have been collected from the Doncaster area this year. Dispatched on 4th December to Belarus for Ukrainian children living as refugees there. 2023  Samaritan's Purse will be in operation once again your shoe box gifts will be greatly appreciated.

s purse

s purse 2

A selections of the boxes donated for Samaritan's purse

Angels flew down on The streets of Tickhill on 21st/22nd of December.

The Craft & Chat group and helpers crocheted and knitted 1,290 angels. 

Each one to be found on window sills and door steps, walls, hedges and any convenient landing place as a surprise gift with the message, Take ME, I'm FREE, Hoping you have a lovely Christmas. Love from Tickhill Methodist Church. Also including an invitation to our Carol Service and Christmas morning service.

The response from the community was very encouraging,with complimentary thanks posted on Face book and the Tickhill Forum.

AngelsAngels 2

A selection of the 'Angel Host' 'Blest' on their way before they were distributed in the Tickhill streets. 

Church & Charity 

Coffee Morning Wednesday 3rd July 2024.

from 10.00am till 12 Noon. see events page for details.

From September 2022 to August 2024 our main charity support be for the Doncaster Food Bank. Further information of fund raising events will be posted on this site, our Face Book page and on church notice boards. 

The Chapel Anniversary of 186 years September2023

An excellent buffet lunch was provided by Deli 28 of Tickhill and fruit crumble desserts were provided by a group of Church ladies.

The Church windows were decorated for the Queen's Jubilee weekend, with Royal memorabilia, graphic and floral displays. 

The decorations remained in place for the Anniversary weekend. 

Jubilee window 3

Jubilee window

   Window flags                  Jubilee


Some of the decorated window displays produced by our creative members and friends.                

Feeding the Homeless Project Update April 2023

The project started on 28th February 2022 and initially averaged 20 meals weekly but numbers have increased and now average around 50. We expect to see numbers increase further this winter as the increase in fuel prices and the cost of living hits hardest those on the lowest incomes, but church has had to cap this number at 54. Please contact Mandy on 07745167300 if you would like to volunteer to help in any way

Tickhill Methodist Outreach Team – Feeding the Homeless and Vulnerable in Doncaster

April 2023 we now have a team of 28 volunteers from church and the local community who continue to make sandwiches and hand out food and drinks to homeless and very vulnerable people on Monday evenings. An additional drink of hot chocolate was given during the cold winter months and was very well received. 

Christmas 2023 74 hand sewn bags of donated gifts including warm knitted hats from Craft & Chat, gloves, socks, sweets and toiletries were again distributed to those in need in the City of Doncaster.

The majority of funding comes from the church and we have had generous donations from Tickhill and District Lions, Tickhill Spar (via the Blakemore Foundation) and several people who have been just passing by on a Monday.

Over the past year we have built up a good rapport with some of our customers who are always very polite and most grateful for the food service.

Our volunteers seem to enjoy the camaraderie of making the sandwiches and the handout, even when the weather is cold, wet and miserable – we are so fortunate to have warm homes to go to afterwards!

Many thanks to all those who contribute to this venture in any way – your help is very much appreciated.

Please contact Mandy on 07745167300 if you would like to volunteer to help in any way. Tickhill Methodist Outreach Team – Feeding the Homeless and Vulnerable in Doncaster

  Socks for the Homeless continued in December 2023.


new designs 22

Suggested list of gifts to choose from:


Men’s warm socks   Men’s/Ladies warm hat  Men’s/Ladies gloves    Men’s roll-on deodorant

Body wet wipes (NOT sanitiser)  Toothpaste Flannel Comb shower gel/body wash Shampoo Shaving gel hand cream Lip salve stick Nuts Dried Fruit Breakfast bars Chocolate Sweets Small notepad Pen Small puzzle book or crossword book


Please do not donate the following (we already have enough due to your generosity last year):


Ladies socks Bars of soap, Hair Conditioner, Ladies Sanitary products, Hairbrush,

Body Lotion/butter Body, fragrance/perfume, Toothbrushes, Ladies roll-on deodorant,

Small packets tissues.

 Many thanks for your support 

A total of 72 draw string bags were delivered to the homeless of Doncaster in December 2022.


Baby Basics

Baby Basics Doncaster

Deliveries of donations have been made to Sprotborough Methodist Church - the Doncaster collection point. deliveries have been made to Mums in need since March 2021 with the aid of local Midwives and Social workers.                                                                                                                                                                               Many thanks to all who have contributed, either through church or the 

       community link. All contributions are gratefully received. The response has been very encouraging and               shown great generosity and outreach to people in need

       up date 316 Moses baskets containing Mum and baby items have been delivered since 2021.     

       Items of new or second hand good quality clothing, home knitted items, towels, nappies etc.

       will be gratefully received. 

       Moses baskets new or good condition second hand ones would be very welcome. 

        No used mattresses thank you. 

       This is an on-going Circuit project and items for Mum, or baby, can be delivered or collected. 

                     (no talc thanks)         Please contact Eunice. 01302 743468. 

    2024 on going request for donations of - Moses Baskets, Scratch mits /mittens, Socks, Baby Towels, Long     & short sleeve vests, Muslin cloths, Nappies. Bibs, Cardigans, Summer outfits.

On Friday 20.05.22 & also on Friday 19.05.23  a thank you afternoon tea was held in the Lounge of Tickhill Methodist Church, to thank all the people who have generously supported Baby Basics with monitory donations and items of baby clothing and essentials for Mums. Sprotborough Methodist Church is the Doncaster collection and dispatch centre for Baby Basics. The coordinator Sarah Beckingham, came along to explain how the donated items are distributed via the local Midwives and social services. She also related how Baby Basics has expanded to fifty four UK centres from the original centre in Sheffield.

The items donated have been greatly appreciated by the mum's who have received them. Many recipients have been surprised by the skill of the knitters and warmed by the thought that a stranger has given time to make something for my baby

Serviceable push chairs that are no longer needed can be donated to Baby Basics. Contact Eunice. 

01302 743468 or send an email with if possible a photograph, via our contact us page.



bb fist delivery

Moses basket

                                                            the first Doncaster                                                               delivery Spring 2021

time for tea

Sue & Sarah 

showing what is given with a Moses basket and how it is packed

                                          A chat & a cupper at Baby Basic                                       thankyou tea.

  • Tickhill Methodist Church
  • Northgate
  • Tickhill
  • South Yorkshire
  • DN11 9HY

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